PICME: Maternal and child healthcare is of paramount importance in ensuring a healthier and brighter future for any society.


In recent years, the Tamil Nadu government has taken significant strides in improving maternal and child health services through various initiatives.

One such initiative that has revolutionized the delivery of healthcare services is the PICME (Pregnancy and Infant Cohort Monitoring and Evaluation) registration system.

PICME Registration has emerged as a game-changer, facilitating seamless and efficient monitoring of pregnancy and infant healthcare in Tamil Nadu. This article delves into the significance, benefits, and process of Tamil Nadu PICME Registration.


Understanding PICME Registration

The PICME registration system was introduced by the Tamil Nadu Health Department to enhance the quality of maternal and child healthcare services in the state.

The primary objective of PICME is to ensure that all pregnant women and infants receive timely and adequate healthcare services, right from the early stages of pregnancy until the postnatal period. It aims to promote safe deliveries, monitor the health of both mother and child, and reduce maternal and infant mortality rates.


Benefits of PICME Registration

Improved Antenatal Care: PICME Registration allows pregnant women to avail early antenatal care services.

By identifying and addressing potential health risks at an early stage, it contributes to the well-being of both the mother and the unborn child. Regular check-ups and screenings during pregnancy can help prevent complications and ensure a healthier delivery. 

Enhanced Postnatal Care: The PICME system also emphasizes postnatal care for the mother and newborn.

Ensuring proper medical attention and follow-ups after delivery can significantly reduce maternal and infant mortality rates, leading to healthier outcomes for both.


Personalized Healthcare Services: Through PICME Registration, healthcare providers can access crucial information about each pregnant woman and her medical history.

This data enables personalized healthcare services, allowing medical professionals to address specific health concerns and provide tailored treatment plans.

Real-time Data and Monitoring: The PICME system operates on a centralized database, providing real-time access to patient information. This allows healthcare authorities to monitor the progress of various maternal and child health programs, identify trends, and make data-driven policy decisions for continuous improvement.

Seamless Data Sharing: The integration of PICME with other health information systems ensures smooth data sharing between different healthcare facilities. This feature streamlines the referral process, enabling effective communication and continuity of care across various healthcare providers.

Efficient Resource Allocation: With accurate and up-to-date data available through PICME Registration, the allocation of healthcare resources becomes more efficient. The government can identify areas with higher maternal and infant healthcare demands and allocate resources accordingly, ensuring equitable access to healthcare services.

Process of PICME Registration & Login

Identification: The PICME Registration process begins by identifying pregnant women. This can be done through various channels, such as health camps, hospitals, anganwadi centers, or community health workers.

Data Collection: Once identified, the pregnant woman's details, such as name, age, contact information, expected due date, and medical history, are recorded into the PICME system. This data collection ensures that comprehensive healthcare services are provided based on individual needs.

Unique Identification Number: A unique identification number is generated for each registered pregnant woman and her infant. This number serves as a reference for healthcare providers to access the patient's medical history and monitor their progress throughout the pregnancy and postnatal period.

Regular Check-ups and Follow-ups: After registration, pregnant women receive regular check-ups and follow-ups at designated healthcare facilities. These visits allow healthcare providers to monitor the health of both the mother and the fetus, identify any complications, and provide necessary interventions.

Postnatal Care: Once the baby is born, PICME Registration continues to track the health of the infant and ensure that postnatal care is provided promptly. This includes immunizations, growth monitoring, and health assessments.

Data Accessibility: Authorized healthcare providers can access the PICME database to view the medical records of registered individuals, allowing them to make informed decisions and provide timely interventions.


Tamil Nadu's PICME Registration system has been a transformative step in revolutionizing maternal and child healthcare services in the state. The Sarkari Yojana 2023 has been very effective.

By ensuring early and regular access to healthcare services, PICME Registration has significantly contributed to reducing maternal and infant mortality rates.

The real-time data and monitoring capabilities have empowered healthcare authorities to make data-driven policy decisions, leading to more effective resource allocation and improved healthcare outcomes.

As a pioneering initiative in India's healthcare landscape, PICME Registration stands as a testament to the power of technology and data-driven approaches in advancing the well-being of society's most vulnerable members.